Friday, 24 February 2017

From Script to Screen - Reflective Statement

I think this project went pretty well for me and I am fairly happy with what I produced. I think the task was very interesting and it has lots of opportunities.

At the beginning I was not too sure about what the story should be, but my first thought was to create an animation for children, which would have been more on the magical and cute side, however I was not too confident with that idea. After talking to tutors and started to head to a completely different direction with and unexpected and dark ending, I became very excited about the whole project.

I am not satisfied with the character or environment designs, as I think I should have spent more time on them and refined them. I very much enjoy character design, so I am slightly disappointing in myself that I spent less time with that. However, I think even though I need some further development with the characters (and environment), they headed an interesting and good direction.

I have spent lots of time while creating the Pre-Viz, and I struggled with the camera, however I felt much more confident while modelling the houses and I was more sure about what I was doing. So while I need to learn more about Maya to be able to position the camera, I feel more confident in what I already learnt and modelling. Furthermore, I think my storyboard need refining in design, because it is pretty sketchy, however I tried to include lots of different camera angles to draw attention to different details and emotions of the story.

Overall, I enjoyed this project, it is a very creative and has lots of potential; I think I should have spent a bit more time on further developing the characters and for upcoming project I will try to pay more attention to developing characters; I feel more confident in using Maya than I did previously; and I am happy with how the story turned out at the end.

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